Dirt-cheap Computer Science books

If you’re a bookworm like me, you can’t resist the fascination of the paper medium. Reading a proper book is a much more relaxing experience than reading on a screen. Some studies also found a correlation between phone usage in bed and increased risk of having poor sleep quality. These are some reasons I’ve always preferred reading from paper books, especially at nighttime. Computer Science books are often expensive, and one could always object that paper production has an undeniable carbon footprint....

March 26, 2024 · 6 min · Tommaso Colella

Enforcing OPA policies with Terraform / OpenTofu in network-isolated Azure VNet - Part 1

Recently, we had a couple of naming-related incidents at work. We respect certain naming conventions, but sometimes errors slip into our Terraform infrastructure’s code, and remediation may be costly. I had to find a way to simplify resource naming policy enforcement: at first, I thought about using Git Hooks (with a custom HCL parser) or local linters. Both of these approaches came with downsides that would make it unpractical to employ them on multiple repositories: first of all, the necessity to set up hooks or linter configurations in each repo....

March 6, 2024 · 10 min · Tommaso Colella

How to build a Summarizer Bot using GPT4, Azure Functions, GitHub Actions

A friend asked me to create a Telegram channel to cross-post my articles onto (I did! You can find it here). The idea seemed nice, but I didn’t want to bother with writing a small summary for each article every time, and most of all, forgetful as I am, I would absolutely forget to post to the channel. I only had one choice: automate everything using GitHub Actions, Azure Function Apps, and Azure OpenAI, trying to have fun and learn something new in the process....

February 27, 2024 · 8 min · Tommaso Colella

Self-hosted Copilot using Google Gemma and Ollama (+ Phi-2 comparison)

It’s impossible to keep up with the rapid developments in the field of LLMs. On Feb 21, Google released a new family of models called Gemma. These models promise top performance for their size. According to the Gemma technical report, the 7B model outperforms all other open-weight models of the same or even bigger sizes, such as Llama-2 13B. 💡According to the technical report accompanying Gemma’s announcement, the new models were trained using the same methodologies as Google’s top-tier Gemini models...

February 23, 2024 · 5 min · Tommaso Colella

DIY self-hosted Copilot using Phi-2 and Ollama

On December 12th, Microsoft released their latest “SML” or “Small Language Model” Phi-2. This new model is MIT-Licensed. The permissive license makes it a perfect candidate for any experimentation, be it academic or commercial. Phi-2 is also a somewhat “green” model. The model was trained with a lot less power than some of its bigger cousins LLama-2 or Mistral, to name a few. Well, it’s not THAT small (it has 2....

February 19, 2024 · 8 min · Tommaso Colella